Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I first want to start out by saying the video we watched was completely ridiculous. I am all for women's rights, and equality but it has to be reasonable and logical. The thing that bothered me the most was that some of the women were so persistent that they lowered strength requirements for the military and fireman training. This bothers me because those strength requirements are important and if you can't meet them then you obviously aren't fit to be in that kind of position. Biologically and physically men are better at those kinds of positions than women, because they are stronger. If the women can meet the physical requirement they should be aloud to do that, but if they can't they should find a different position. Every person has different strengths and weaknesses and we need to take advantage of that. We should all get respect and everything, but not at the cost of people's safety. Like it said in the video, if you are in a fire you want to be carried out, not drug out by your heels.
Another thing with gender is that we need to accept and appreciate our gender. In the church we believe that we have always been the gender that we are now, even in the pre-existence. Heavenly Father has given us certain genders and certain qualities to help us fulfill our role here on earth. As a woman I am proud to be able to have God's children and to nurture them and love them. I am so excited to be able to do this. I think the greatest job or career that I could ever have is that of being a mother. Women today have lost sight of that and for some reason want to be more like men. They have gone into the workplace and stopped wanting to have children and be mother.
Another thing in the video I noticed was that they focused so much on wanting equality but it seemed to me that they actually wanted women to be better than men. Like the statement the woman said that boys should be raised more like girls, I think what she should have said to make her point was that children should be raised the same. Saying boy should be more like girls implies that girls are better than boys. I think that everyone just needs to calm down and accept the fact that boys and girls are emotionally, biologically, physically, and mentally different, and that this is not a bad thing. We should be happy for this difference.      

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