Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I liked in class when we talked about the characteristics/qualities of parenting. I think that all of those four qualities are important to have in parenting. Especially the respect quality. Without respect parenting is going to be a lot harder than it needs to be. With respect your children will listen to you more, and they will give you respect. You are teaching your children not bossing them around, you are not their master you are their parent. Also I think it does take a lot of courage to raise children. It is hard and you will take risks, but in the end it is worth it. Parenting is also a huge responsibility, your children are depending on you. Every parent should take this responsibility seriously. Also the last thing was cooperation. This is important, things will be easier if the family is cooperating together.
I think the best parenting style is active parenting. You are the parent, you are not the child's friend or master. You want your children to make choices, but they have to suffer the consequences of the choices they make. You cannot protect them from consequences or they will never learn. Another thing a good parent does not do is lecture. You want to try to give advice where it is wanted, but spend time listening to your child. Get to know them and their feelings. Children respond to feelings, and if they know you understand their feelings they are more likely to talk to you about it. Have reflective listening. Validate their feelings. Have respect for your child, and they will return that respect. Talk to your child about the consequences of their decisions, but don't make the decision for them. Be consistent with your communication with your child. Give your child your full attention when talking to them, make sure they know you want to talk to them. Develop a good relationship with your child.

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